it all starts here
It all starts here! NO PAPER WORK OR MATH REQUIRED…..YAAA! Educational delivery system for your program (information box insert with messages costumized by you) Unique and NEWS worthy….. (press release included in kit) No ethnic, religious or political exes to grind..FUN TONS OF FUN (friendship maker)

Don’t be afraid and go for it. Make that change in creating smiles.

Let’s fill up that box for your favorite charity, for your community, school, non-profit organization, sports team. For tons of other charitable organizations.
Fun Fund Raising
If you are a fundraiser or know someone who is, and you enjoy having fun with the people in your life, you will certainly enjoy finding out more on how raising funds is not so painful as we have been lead to believe, in fact its fun! We have found that when the directions in the kit are followed these fundraisers tend to bring folks together in a fun, but focus center, for causes which are usually fairly serious nature. So, check out the information on the web and see for yourself the ease of producing a great laughter project fundraiser, and obtaining the kit that can be the answer to one of your dreams… or challenges.
A kit at the present moment has 250 units (boxes/noses, plus road map) Price per unit (one money box plus red or green clown nose): Our experience is that money boxes return with at least $5 to $10 dollars or more in them.The boxes generally sit on the kitchen counters or coffee tables for a week or two collecting spare change. Which means that even if a participant collected only $2.00, the profit would be 100%. Your only challenge would be getting cash to the bank without getting mugged… That’s a joke!